In psychology it is called mass hysteria, a condition affecting a group of persons characterized by excitement or anxiety, irrational behavior or beliefs, and may also include inexplicable symptoms of illness. One could make the case that this defines the
Is Big Data Today’s Sock Puppet?
Recently I overheard someone say, “If I get one more email or see another self-serving article or conference extolling all the unbelievable ways digital surveillance (AKA big data) can be used to solve just about every problem known to modern
Going Beyond Big Data To Knowledge
“Ipsa scientia potestas est” (“knowledge itself is power”), Sir Francis Bacon Don’t believe the big data hype Over the last month, I have written about all the hype surrounding big data including how it equals a big headache for executives
Big Data Bypasses C-Suite
Everywhere you turn today it seems like someone is hawking something to do with big data—today’s corporate “must have”. It seems that all the buzz and hype usually gets down to some very tactical application/outcome which sounds an awful lot