Everywhere you turn today it seems like someone is hawking something to do with big data—today’s corporate “must have”. It seems that all the buzz and hype usually gets down to some very tactical application/outcome which sounds an awful lot
How Can Amazon Raise Prime Membership Rates Without Alienating Shoppers?
Amazon.com may be finally facing a worthy adversary in the retail arena: itself. The online giant recently announced its intent to increase the $79 annual fee on its popular Prime membership by $20 to $40, but our consumer insights suggest
Consumer Snapshot – February 2014
Latest consumer discoveries for February 2014. For more: www.ConsumerSnapshot.com
Can The Galaxy S5 Release Realign Samsung Owners’ Loyalty?
As we await the announcement of the latest and greatest from Samsung – the suspected Galaxy S5 – later this month, I thought it would be interesting to take a look at continued battle between this smartphone giant and that
Prosper’s New Health InsightCenterâ„¢ Provides A Spotlight For Marketers In A Turbulent Healthcare Market
February 05, 2014 In coping with the upheaval in the healthcare market, many providers from insurance companies to hospitals will turn to advertising as a way of promoting their services to confused consumers. Millions of dollars could be wasted unless
Year Of Reckoning For Brick And Mortar Retailers
For Brick and Mortar (BAM) retailers, 2014 will prove to be another challenging year. As economists talk of a slow and gradual recovery (latest jobs numbers indicate recovery will be at a snail’s pace), BAMs will be hard pressed to