From Forbes on May 13, 2016: Perhaps Time Magazine will choose the Voter as the “person(s) of the year” for 2016. This might just be the year when historians say the voters, not their parties and ideologies, took control of the
Prosper’s Political Changer Score Identifies Voters Unhappy with Government, Excited for Election and Looking for Change
Worthington, OH – 5/3/16 Voters are rejecting the old traditional party ideology which has been illustrated in a hotly contested presidential primary and will likely carry over to the presidential election. It is important for campaign marketers to recognize that
New Database Goes Beyond Voter History, Taps Into Emotions Driving 2016 Campaign
Worthington, OH – 3/18/16 — Voters are said to be angry this year and Political Mindset data from Prosper Insights & Analytics™ confirms that many are unhappy with government and seek a non-politician as a solution. This unhappiness is also